202-796-6038 | Email Yung

202-796-6038 | Email Yung



Mr. Lee provides a variety of consulting services to multinational corporations, law firms, and industry associations with his expertise on international trade, economics, accounting, finance, and information management.

Mr. Lee has participated extensively in antidumping and countervailing duty investigations and reviews conducted by the U.S. Department of Commerce (“DOC”) and International Trade Commission (“ITC”) on behalf of both petitioners and respondents. He has worked on numerous proceedings including cases concerning various steel products, cement, semiconductors, chemicals, lumber, pasta, nails, and bearings. Mr. Lee has worked with key accounting, information management systems, sales, production, and import/logistics officials of multinational corporations. In that capacity, Mr. Lee’s scope of engagement included reviewing their accounting records and systems, determining appropriate cost allocation methodologies, and preparing the final sales and cost databases. In several cases, he developed computer applications to monitor the client’s antidumping liability and profitability on a sale-by-sale basis. Mr. Lee has also assisted domestic and foreign companies in preparing and successfully completing the verification conducted by the DOC and ITC. Mr. Lee has acquired extensive experience in all aspects of verification, including various accounting and audit issues such as completeness, reconciliation, and allocation methodologies. Mr. Lee has also presented oral arguments and analyses on cost of production and allocation issues in DOC hearings.

Mr. Lee is a Certified Public Accountant, Certified Management Accountant, Certified Fraud Examiner, and a candidate member of the American Society of Appraisers. Mr. Lee is a native Korean speaker and worked in a number of AD/CVD and litigation cases with extensive on-the-ground experience in many countries, including Italy, Canada, France, China, Korea, Brazil, Romania, India, Mexico, Thailand, and Kazakhstan.

Mr. Lee received his B.A. in Economics, Magna Cum Laude, from Brandeis University in Waltham, Massachusetts where he was selected as a member of the Phi Beta Kappa National Honor Society. Mr. Lee received his M.A. in International Economics and Finance from Graduate School of International Economics and Finance at Brandeis University (currently Brandeis University International Business School) in 1998.