202-796-6310 | Email Jennifer

202-796-6310 | Email Jennifer



Jennifer Lutz is a Partner at ION Economics, LLC, and her work has focuses on international trade and tax projects. She has specialized in developing and presenting analysis regarding antidumping, countervailing duty, and safeguards cases before the International Trade Commission (“ITC”) and Department of Commerce (“DOC”) as well as in third-country proceedings. She works with clients from the initial case assessment phase through investigations, appeals, and sunset reviews. She regularly provides expert testimony before the ITC and DOC on behalf of various clients. In addition to direct testimony, she has participated in numerous industry panels to respond to questions directed to the panel. While Ms. Lutz is more focused on ITC proceedings, she also has significant experience working on DOC antidumping and countervailing duty investigations and annual administrative reviews. She has assisted in the preparation of briefs and testimony for appeals at the Court of International Trade and Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. She has also assisted in the preparation of analyses for expert reports and rebuttal reports addressing domestic industry, injury, remedy, and public interest issues in Section 337 investigations. More recently, she has advised clients on alternative trade remedies. She has developed extensive knowledge about a number of industries, including steel, ferroalloys, and non-ferrous metals, and has coordinated the preparation of foreign market research for various investigations.

Ms. Lutz received her Masters Degree in Public Administration from Ohio University, with a concentration in policy and fiscal analysis and a BA in Political Science from the University of Michigan.