202-796-6592 | Email Jerrie

202-796-6592 | Email Jerrie



Ms. Mirga works with law firms and clients in a wide range of industries in matters involving international transfer pricing, business valuation, intellectual property, and international trade.

Ms. Mirga has worked extensively on many projects in the transfer pricing area. She is responsible for developing the data needed to derive arm's length intercompany prices and for conducting analyses of company financial information. She has written transfer pricing documentation reports, planning reports, reports in connection with Advance Pricing Agreements, and reports used during the IRS Appeals process. Her analyses have covered intercompany transactions involving services, tangible property, and intangible property, the latter of which has included the study of numerous trademark and technology licensing agreements. Ms. Mirga also undertakes valuation assignments in other contexts. She is a Candidate Member of the American Society of Appraisers, and has carried out valuation assignments that involve the valuation of businesses, business segments, and intangible assets.

In the area of international trade, Ms. Mirga provides economic analysis in connection with trade litigation, including antidumping/countervailing duty investigations and Section 337 proceedings before the U.S. International Trade Commission. Ms. Mirga has experience in Customs issues, including the classification and valuation of imported merchandise, obtaining statistical breakouts, requesting rulings, and the valuation issues that can arise in import/export transactions between related parties.

Ms. Mirga received her B.A. from the College of William and Mary in Virginia, and her M.B.A. (with a concentration in International Business) from the George Washington University. She was elected to membership in Beta Gamma Sigma, the business administration honor society. She received a post-M.B.A. Certificate with a course of study in International Taxation from the George Washington University.