202-796-6615 | Email Kathryn

202-796-6615 | Email Kathryn



Ms. Kobe provides a variety of consulting services to corporations, law firms, unions, government agencies, and industry associations with her expertise on international trade issues, small business issues, finance, economics, and accounting.

Ms. Kobe has participated extensively in proceedings conducted by the U.S. International Trade Commission (“ITC”), primarily in Section 337 investigations, but also in safeguard and anti-dumping and countervailing duty investigations. Her Section 337 experience includes analysis of domestic industry, public interest, injury, bonding, general exclusion, and EPROMs. Her research responsibilities include studying compensation, price, cost and productivity issues and forecasting their trends; analyzing industry and company financial data and documents in support of litigation; constructing cost impact models of industries or companies and using statistical techniques to analyze the results; constructing price and wage indexes from individual company's data, proprietary survey data, and government data. Ms. Kobe has presented expert testimony at the ITC, the Postal Regulatory Commission, and before several arbitration panels. She has also submitted and been deposed on expert reports in a number of court litigations, and has provided litigation support for court cases and international arbitrations. She has worked on numerous proceedings including cases on semiconductors, mobile phones, motors and steel. She helped develop and continues to calculate small business gross domestic product (“GDP”) for the Small Business Administration, and has been consulted on measurement issues by other government agencies.

Ms. Kobe received her B.A. in Economics, summa cum laude, at The University of Maryland, College Park. She received her M.A. in Economics from The George Washington University.