202-796-6711 | Email Michael

202-796-6711 | Email Michael



Mr. MacGregor provides a wide array of consulting services to the international trade community, but his primary field of expertise is working on antidumping proceedings, both on behalf of the petitioning domestic industry and on behalf of foreign respondents. The services he provides in connection with these engagements include all aspects of database management, performing reconciliations between company’s different software systems, providing the economic foundations for legal briefs, and providing critical analysis of the same work when provided by opposing interests. Mr. MacGregor regularly participates in hearings held by the Department of Commerce, where he provides testimony and argumentation on his clients’ behalf. In addition, Mr. MacGregor regularly provides audit support on behalf of his clients during the Department of Commerce’s rigorous verifications. 

Mr. MacGregor has participated extensively in proceedings conducted by the U.S. International Trade Commission (“ITC”) and Department of Commerce (“DOC”), including antidumping/countervailing duty investigations and Section 337 investigations.  Mr. MacGregor also prepares annual transfer pricing reports to assist clients their tax compliance obligations. 

Mr. MacGregor received his B.A. in Quantitative Economics with a minor in Mathematics from Tufts University in 2002.