202-796-6707 | Email Cara

202-796-6707 | Email Cara


Senior Economic Consultant

Ms. Groden’s focus at ION is in antidumping and countervailing duty (“AD/CVD”) cases before the International Trade Commission (“ITC”) and the Department of Commerce (“DOC”), though she has also worked on projects in all of the major specialty areas of the firm, including transfer pricing projects, and U.S. and foreign market research projects. She has also participated in the preparation of expert witness reports during Section 337 intellectual property and patent litigation investigations.

Ms. Groden’s extensive experience in AD/CVD investigations includes work on behalf of both petitioners and respondents, including presentation of expert witness testimony on numerous occasions. She has contributed to the preparation of petitions, participated in preliminary and final phase investigations, as well as in five-year “sunset reviews.” Ms. Groden has worked on a number of proceedings including those on various steel products, aluminum, wood products and softwood lumber, polyester and PET products, paper products, and chemical products.

Ms. Groden received her B.A., cum laude, from Wellesley College and her M.A. in applied analytics from Columbia University.