202-796-6433 | Email Jim

202-796-6433 | Email Jim



Mr. Dougan provides a variety of consulting services to multinational corporations, law firms, and industry associations with his expertise on international trade, business valuation, strategy, finance, economics, and accounting.

Mr. Dougan has participated extensively in proceedings conducted by the U.S. International Trade Commission (“ITC”) and Department of Commerce (“DOC”), including antidumping/countervailing duty investigations, safeguard investigations, and Section 337 investigations. Mr. Dougan’s scope of engagement has included analysis of key accounting, sales, and production data, as well as independent secondary research, to assess the impact of imported products on the performance and relative competitiveness of the U.S. industry in antidumping cases, and for both the domestic industry and remedy aspects of Section 337 cases. Mr. Dougan has presented expert testimony at the ITC on dozens of occasions, and has worked on numerous proceedings including cases concerning various steel and metal products, fresh produce, softwood lumber, paper products, solar panels, semiconductors, and chemical products.

Mr. Dougan is an Accredited Member (AM) of the American Society of Appraisers, and has worked on numerous business valuation engagements. Mr. Dougan’s valuation activities have included financial statement analysis, database development and analysis, and discounted cash flow analysis, as well as review of others’ expert reports and the underlying data. These projects involved the valuation of various business entities, and intangible as well as tangible assets.

Mr. Dougan received his B.S. in International Economics, cum laude, from the Georgetown University School of Foreign Service in Washington, DC in 1995. Mr. Dougan received his M.B.A., with majors in Finance and Marketing, from the J.L. Kellogg Graduate School of Management at Northwestern University in 2000.