202-796-6040 | Email Maarten

202-796-6040 | Email Maarten



Mr. van de Geijn provides expert support to domestic and international law firms and corporate clients engaged in unfair trade proceedings brought under U.S. as well as foreign jurisdictions. This expert support includes the efforts related to the immediate requirements by the client in such proceedings, as well as the development of long-term strategies that recognize both the business risks and opportunities resulting from trade action involving the client’s industry. 

Mr. van de Geijn has provided consulting services in numerous antidumping and countervailing duty proceedings, on behalf of both petitioner clients and respondent clients, representing a wide array of manufactured products, including steel, lumber, paper, appliances, civil aircraft and a variety of chemicals. Mr. van de Geijn’s experience includes antidumping proceedings administered in the United States as well as in Mexico, Brazil, China, Thailand and Taiwan. Clients represented include manufacturers located in the United States, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Mexico, the Netherlands, Pakistan, Sweden and Thailand.

Mr. van de Geijn has assisted petitioner clients in collecting and analyzing publicly available sales and cost data supporting an allegation of unfair pricing by foreign producers for purposes of an unfair trade complaint. After the initiation of the proceeding, Mr. van de Geijn has provided critical analyses of the financial accounting, cost accounting, and transactional data submitted by respondents, with the ultimate objective of obtaining the highest possible margin result for the client.     

Mr. van de Geijn has assisted respondent clients in all aspects of preparing the detailed and complex accounting, sales data and production cost data required by the administrating agencies, and defending these data during the on-site verifications consuted by the agencies. As part of this effort, Mr. van de Geijn has provided critical data analyses to identify methodologies and reporting strategies that ensure the submitted company information results in the lowest possible duties, while also meeting the strict requirements for accuracy and completeness necessary to pass verification. 

Mr. van de Geijn has also assisted clients in developing pro-active sales and cost monitoring systems designed to help foreign producers understand the key factors that drive their exposure to unfair trade penaties. These monitoring systems allow clients to manage the risk posed by their exposure to actual or potential unfair trade penalties, and to make business decisions that incorporate current, fact-based information so as to minimize that risk.

Mr. van de Geijn attended the University of Maryland where he studied International Relations and Economics, and graduated in 1985. Mr. van de Geijn grew up in the Netherlands, and his foreign language skills include Dutch, French, German and Spanish.